sábado, 19 de junho de 2010

A importância da Avaliação de Desempenho para Ron Huberman

Uma entrevista do com Donald Eisenstein com o Ron Huberman (CEO das Escolas Públicas de Chicago) demonstra que o sucesso de Ron foi graças ao uso da avaliação de desempenho.

obs: Links em ingles

Eisenstein: You’ve held a number of positions with the city, from the police department to the Office of Emergency Management and Communications to chief of staff for the mayor to the Chicago Transit Authority. What skills from these positions have translated well to CPS?

Huberman: I’ve learned that in any organization, what matters most is bringing focus. In all of those positions, there were different challenges. In pulling people together and providing great focus, you can get a lot done. I also learned that by putting in very clear performance management systems, you can drive results quickly. In education, it will need to look very different than it has because it’s significantly more complicated in terms of outcomes—how we improve outcomes for our kids long term and make them more competitive. But the premises under performance management are the same, and I believe they’ll work well with educators. It gives me confidence that we’ll be able to improve outcomes by getting everyone focused on a few key things that matter the most.

A frase em negrito diz “utilizando uma avaliação de desempenho claro, é possível obter resultados rapidamente.”

Fonte: http://www.chicagobooth.edu/magazine/31/3/cover-huberman.aspx

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